I try to make sure all my research is freely available online, as I'm a firm believer research is for everyone, and there should be no limiting barriers to accessing knowledge and learning. However if for any reason you have trouble accessing anything, please don't hesitate to get in touch and I will be very happy to share a copy with you.
Scientific Publications
Hague, E, Halliday, W, Dawson, J, Ferguson, S, Heide-Jørgensen, MP, Serra Sogas, N, Gormley, K, Young, B & McWhinnie, L (2024). Not all maps are equal: Evaluating approaches for mapping vessel collision risk to large baleen whales.
(2024). Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI:
Hague, E, & McWhinnie, L (2024). Narwhal, beluga and bowhead whale responses to marine vessel traffic: A systematic map. Ocean & Coastal Management. 255, 107251. DOI:
Pine, M, Hague, E, Kebke, A, McWhinnie, L & Findlay, CR (2024). Not so silent spectators: How spectator vessels at international sailing regattas alter marine soundscapes. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 202, 116309. DOI:
Gormley, K, Hague, E, Andvik, C, DaCosta, V, Davies, A, Diz, D, Alexandera, K, and McWhinnie, L (2023). First port of call: a horizon scanning workshop for sustainable Arctic marine infrastructure. The Polar Journal. DOI:
Hague, E, Sparling, C, Morris, C, Vaughan, D, Walker, R, Culloch, R, Lyndon, A, Fernandes, T, & McWhinnie, L (2022). Same space, different standards: a review of cumulative effects assessment practice for marine mammals. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9:822467. DOI:
Hague, E, McCaffrey, N, Shucksmith, R & McWhinnie, L (2022). Predation in the Anthropocene: Harbour seal Phoca vitulina utilising aquaculture infrastructure as refuge to evade foraging killer whales Orcinus orca. Aquatic Mammals. 48:4, 380-393. DOI:
Hague, E, McCaffrey, N, Orbach, D, and Stockin, K (2022). Previously undocumented Long-finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala melas) placental expulsion in coastal waters of Shetland, United Kingdom. Aquatic Mammals. 48:6, 610-616. DOI:
Hague, E, and McCaffrey, N (2022). Dyadic Interspecific Interaction between a harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) and a Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). 48:6, 584-587. Aquatic Mammals. DOI:
Steinmetz, K, Langley, I, Hague, E, Mirimin, L, Hernon, P, Cadhla, OÓ & Murphy, S (2023). Applicability of the semi-automated photo-identification software ExtractCompare for the monitoring of the harbour seals in Ireland. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 123B (2), 85-100. DOI:
Langley, I, Hague, E & Civil, MA (2021). Assessing the performance of open-source, semi-automated pattern recognition software for harbour seal photo ID. Mammalian Biology. DOI:
Arso Civil, M, Hague, E, Langley, I & Scott-Hayward, L (2021). Allo-suckling occurrence and its effect on lactation and nursing duration in harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Orkney, Scotland. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology. 75, 121. DOI:
Upcoming Publications
Hague, E, Walters, A, Moscrop, A, Steel, E, Dyke, K, Hartny-Mills, L, Lomax, A, Dudley, R, Garrard, P, Hampson, J, Gorvett, S, Lightley, H, Mackie, C, Lehmann, J, Olias, S, Hilgenfeld, C, Cole, D, MacDonald-Taylor, S, Davis, C, Siddle, B, Gulliver, P, Tozer, J, Kilroe, W, Purcell Milton, Á , Olaleye, R, Allan, K, Stenton, T, Neave-Webb, E, Neave, R, Lambie, D, Morrison, AJ, Van Damme, I, Dickinson, P & McWhinnie, L (in review). AIS underrepresents coastal vessel traffic. Marine Policy.
Hague, E, Arso Civil, M, Robinson, K, Walters, A, Russell, D & Evans, P (in press). Moray Firth to Humber Estuary Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMA). IUCN Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force. IMMA e-Atlas.
Hague, E. & McWhinnie, L. (2023). The Arctic Circle Assembly: navigating the Arctic. The Polar Journal. Conference Report. DOI:
ASCOBANS (2023). Report of the technical workshop on cetacean-friendly marine spatial planning for the ASCOBANS area.
McWhinnie, L., Gormley, K., Dusik, J., Hague, E., Davies, A., DaCosta, V. and Andvik, C. (2022). Scanning the Horizon: Identifying challenges, knowledge gaps and opportunities for sustainable development of port infrastructure for the Arctic’s Shipping Routes. Workshop Report.
ICES (2022). Working Group on Cumulative Effects Assessment Approaches in Management (WGCEAM; outputs from 2021 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports.
ICES (2022). Workshop on Geo-Spatial Data for Small-Scale Fisheries (WKSSFGEO). ICES Scientific Reports.
Arso Civil, M., Quick, N. J., Mews, S., Hague, E., Cheney, B., Thompson, P. M. & Hammond, P. S. (2021), Improving understanding of bottlenose dolphin movements along the east coast of Scotland. Final report. Provided to European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre.
Hague, E., Sinclair, R.R. & Sparling, C.E. (2020). Regional baselines for marine mammal knowledge across the North Sea and Atlantic areas of Scottish waters. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science.
Harwood, J., Booth, C.G., Sinclair, R.R. & Hague, E. (2020). Developing marine mammal dynamic energy budget models and their potential for integration into the iPCoD framework. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science.
Feature Activity Sensitivity Tool (FeAST) (2020). Web-based application which allows users to investigate the sensitivity of marine features (habitats, species, geology and landforms) in Scotland's seas, to pressures arising from human activities. Marine Scotland, NatureScot, JNCC, Marlin.
Arso Civil, M., Langley, I., Law, A., Hague, E., Jacobson, E. K., Thomas, L., Smout, S. C., Hewitt, R., Duck, C. D., Morris, C., Brownlow, A., Davison, N., Doeschate, M., McConnell, B. J. & Hall, A. J. (2020). Harbour Seal Decline – vital rates and drivers: Report to Scottish Government. Sea Mammal Research Unit.
Hague, E., Verfuss, U.K. & Sparling, C.E. (2020). Seagreen PAM data – 2nd report. Provided to SSE.
Sinclair, R.R., Hague, E. & Sparling, C. E. (2020). Marine Mammal Baseline Characterisation. Provided To Mainstream Renewable Power, August 2020 (Unpublished).
Hague, E., Sinclair, R. & Sparling, C. (2020). Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Evidence Plan – Project Overview and Initial Review (Marine Mammals). Provided to innogy.
Hague, E., Sinclair, R. & Sparling, C. (2019). Review of bottlenose dolphins and minke whales: Focus on Southern Outer Moray Firth. Provided to Catchment.
Hague, E., Sinclair, R. & Sparling, C. (2019). Review of the effects of activity and noise on hauled out seals: with a focus on potential effects of noise from a space hub close to a seal haul out. Provided to Space Hub Sutherland.
Arso Civil, M., Louis, M., Hague, E. & P.S. Hammond (2019). Improving understanding of bottlenose dolphin movements along the east coast of Scotland: 2017 abundance estimate & 2018 surveys. Interim Report 2019. Provided to European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre (EOWDC). Reporting also provided to NatureScot.
Ferrari, V, Hague, E, Reilly, C, O’Hara, P, Alexander, KA, Sciberras, M, and Lauren McWhinnie, L (2024). Research trends and gaps in the impact of vessel on cetacean species: A Systematic Map. European Cetacean Society Conference.
Gormley, K, Hague, E, Fernandes, T, Lu, R, Aronsson, E, Olson. M, Saarinen, S, Idrissova, S. , Ruiz de Almirón de Andrés, C , Portunato, L , Shtrek, A & McWhinnie, L (2021) “Smart Shipping” for emerging Arctic sea routes. ArcticNet Conference.
Steinmetz, K, Langley, I, Hague, E, Mirimin, L, Hernon, P, Cadhla, OO & Murphy, S (2021). Monitoring of harbour seals in Irish waters - a comparison of manual and automated matching processes. Irish Ecological Association Conference. This has since been published in a research paper (Steinmetz et al., 2023).
Hague, E, Langley, I & Arso Civil, M (2019). Assessing the performance of open source, semi-automated pattern recognition software for Harbour seal photo-ID. Presented at the World Marine Mammal Conference in Barcelona. This has since been published in a research paper (Langley et al., 2021).